I am delighted to have my daughter Hayley Bauer, Reiki Master & Freelance Writer, create this post for my website, and I hope she writes more!  Enjoy her wonderful writing, full of great ideas…. 💕

🍂 October Self-Care Challenge 🍂

As we’re winding down from Summer, and entering into Fall, it’s nice to stay in-tune to the changing seasons, and be mindful of some of the ways we can take a deep breath, and recuperate from a busy, perhaps even stressful, summer.  One way to do this is to leavesmake small acts of self-care a conscious intention for the month of October.
I’d like to encourage you to make a list of 25+ small acts of self-care you would like to incorporate into your October.  I chose the number of at least 25 so that there would be enough items on your list to include something on almost every day of the month.  Here are 3 easy tips to make self-care not only a priority, but a success in your Fall season.  
1.  Keep it simple
When making your list, keep it small, simple, and achievable.  Bigger goals are great, but for this activity, consider listing things that are easy to achieve.  This might mean things that don’t take too much time that you’re not sure you will have, and don’t depend on external circumstances that are out of your control. 
2.  No Need for Tension
As you are making your list of self-care acts, be mindful of the things that make you feel at ease, and things that make you feel tension.  Perhaps there are some self-care things that you feel you should be doing, but in truth, they actually make you feel a bit tense, or fearful that you won’t end up doing it.  Start by listing the things that make you feel at ease, and the things you KNOW you can achieve, even on your busiest days, or on days you feel tired.
3.  All the Feelings
Human beings have a wide range of emotions.  Consider including things on your list that will inspire a few different feelings, such as peace, excitement, stillness, laughter, or awe.  Try allowing other emotions you feel your heart nudging you to engage with.
October is the beginning of “warm-and-cozy” season.  Encourage and allow yourself to also make it a month of replenishing yourself with the care that you need, so that you can better extend your hand to others.
watercolour butterfly10 Easy Self-Care Ideas
1.  Enjoy your favourite comfort meal
2.  Take photos of something that catches your eye
3. Enjoy an art or craft project
4.  Relax in a bath with your favourite bath salts or bath bomb
5.  Read a book from your childhood
6.  Stargaze
7.  Try a new snack or dessert, or an old favourite
8.  Try a new hairstyle
9.  Go outside and observe through your five senses
10.  Exercise in the best way for your body

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