Just for a moment…

Today, I offer you the feeling of peace, rest, and a deep cleansing breath. If only for a moment, see what it feels like in your body. Take a deep breath and let your body feel peace, and rest. Allow tomorrow and yesterday to drift away from your thoughts. Be right here, right now, in the moment.

How did that feel?

For me, this feeling was very good, and then for some reason, I felt tears welling up in my eyes. I stayed with this feeling, and my body, mind, and spirit were asking me to do this more often.

Life feels crazy and upside down a lot of the time. I encourage you today, to be in the moment as much as possible. Not thinking of tomorrow and planning ahead, not remembering yesterday and what could have been different. Just breathe, and allow peace and rest to surround you. Our bodies crave some peace and stillness, and they are working hard to keep our vessel (body, mind, and spirit) on the road of life, and out of the ditch as much as possible. Give your vessel a break—even just for a moment.

You can do it. ❤️

Take care, and have a great day.

Sincerely and with love,

Peace, scrabble letter

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