Creating S-P-A-C-E

Life is busy. And more often than not, too busy.

Different seasons in my life have been super busy, and those seasons have also left me with emotional, mental, and physical issues to deal with afterwards. I’m hoping to build more mindful and wise ways of dealing with these extremely busy seasons. Since I am in one of those seasons right now, it’s the perfect time to incorporate it.

One thing that has been brought to my attention a few times, and I finally took notice, is feeling the need to create s-p-a-c-e in myself and my surroundings. In this past year, my life has become busier than I ever could have imagined. I feel a closed-in feeling of moving from one thing to another to another, with no space in-between. And lots of times I feel breathless, my mind is aching to have a break, and my body doesn’t get a chance to release tension and relax. This is not a way to live life on a continual basis, and feel healthy too.sun in snow 1

During these busy seasons the Universe has given me many gifts, however some of them are also lessons. In a way, both are gifts, although lessons don’t always feel like it at the time. I’ve found there is often not enough space around gifts and lessons to process, feel, understand, and learn what is needed. And sometimes just one thing is needed—gratitude.

Oftentimes, if I don’t learn the lesson the first, second, or twenty-fifth time, it will come around again to see if I’m ready to finally learn and be able to move on in this area of my life. This way of doing things over and over again feels stagnant, like I can’t seem to move forward. By creating more space in my life—taking time to learn the lessons the first time, and feeling grateful for the gifts right away—I can move forward in a fresh new way.

My plan is to create s-p-a-c-e in my life, starting now, and intentionally allowing it to grow and increase at a comfortable rate. Is this something you are feeling too? Let’s move forward together, and let me know how you are creating space in your life, I would love to hear your unique ways!

With much love,

Here are some books I’ve found good tips in…

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